
Sunday, July 24, 2011

Dreaming of Europe...

Devin and I are taking an 18-day trip to Europe with some of our best friends in just 2 months! I'm getting really excited but we still have research to do. We've just started looking into hotels and such. Apparently Europe is consuming my mind... below is my best description of last night's dream:

So in my dream last night we were on our Europe trip except that I think we were actually in Brazil or something like that. We happened upon this really upscale hotel/resort all-inclusive thing where we found like a room key or something. So Vania decides we should act like we're staying there and eat for free. I am completely against the idea, but Christine didn't seem to think it was that bad, and our guys were just along for the ride like normal.

Well Vania also finds a ticket for a massage or something and tries to sweet talk the front desk (young, attractive Brazilian) guy into getting the massage. That's when they find out we aren't really staying there and we have to think quick to get out of there. So the most unsuspecting thing to do is for me to stay at the table and pretend like I'm pregnant while the rest of the group goes to get our mini-van (???).

After I do a really awesome job at pretending that I am not with the group that dined and dashed, Seth appears driving the mini-van like the Indy 500. Devin is in the front passenger's seat and I'm trying to hand him the pillow that was making me pregnant while running alongside the mini-van because Seth didn't feel the need to stop. Devin finally pulls me in the window and we escape.

We have to stay at this really crappy hotel trying to hide from the police and after Devin and I get to the very top floor of this hotel, we find that there are two people and a dog occupying our room and the dog jumps on me. That's when I woke up to my two wieners on top of me.

To go along with my dream, here's an awesome picture I found on Pinterest... 2 more months...

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